Add to wishlist✨ Don’t miss out on this exclusive, one-time-only offer from one of the most popular developers on SellMyApp platform! GET a mind-blowing discount of 50% for an entire bundle of high-quality Unity templates!
✅ This BBGames Unity Bundle Includes:
- Sweet Candy Match 3 Game – 79$
- Tile Match Puzzle – Level Editor – Save Progess – 89$
- Block Puzzle Unity Template Game – 49$
- Move The Block – 59$
- Word Swipe Puzzle – 49$
✅ Please check the detailed description of each game to see its features.
- This is a completed game designer, sound, effects, gameplay,full resource, full animation, for such a full sound
- Amazing system level:
- Level Editor: Easy-to-use visual editor to change the properties of your game and create your own levels without knowing how to program. (video guide)
- Easy Reskin: Easy-to-use to change the picture of your game
- Levels Locking: Levels can be locked and can be unlocked by the players pass the levels.
- Ads Monetization : Admob integrated (Banner, Interstitial, Video Reward, App Open), support Unity Ads, IronSource, Applovin Ads
- Rewarded Ads (get coins,continue game stage ).
- Unity IAP Systems: Players can purchase coins on the game store (video guide).
- Booster Systems: Players can spend coins to use the Undo, Hint, Shuffle if they get stuck.
- GDPR compliant
- User Messaging Platform (UMP) SDK is integrated. So the game is compliant with the Google’s new Consent Management Platform requirements
- Sounds: Background music and sound effects are included with a settings to mute sounds in the game
- Multiple screen sizing for most mobile devices
- Professional and clean code, clean projects
- Simple and attractive
- Easy reskin for all platform.
- New Developer friendly
- Support for Unity 2022 or higher
- Support build 64Bit, API Latest, Android 14
- Support build Android App Bundle (AAB)
- Documents update online,video guide,visual tutorial
- Unity free license version 2022 or later
- MacOS and Xcode for build iOS
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