Find The Differences Native iOS Game

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Compare two images and spot five differences between them. Improve attention skills and exercise brain while playing this completely FREE arcade game with many levels.

How fast will you find out all of the difference point? Check it out and get the highest score.

High quality images, works equally great on phones and tablets!


  • Lot’s of Photo pairs
  • Many levels of game include easy, medium and hard
  • Hint system
  • Many of animations
  • Auto calculate score

How to setup and reskin

  1. How to add more Images


Step 1: Create an image with many difference point with each hard level:

Easy: 3 point

Medium: 5 point

Hard: 7 point

Step 2: Calculate location of each difference pair point(1 point with 1 pair) with latitude and longitude from top-left of the image and size of the difference round(to pixel)

Step 3: Insert that image information into database

Fill your data into easy, hard and medium database depend on which hard level you choose.


Image_id: id of the image, it will have to include in image name

Latitude & longitude: latitude and longitude of the image you calculated

Width & height: round of the difference point, use to draw 2 elip to spot them

Step 4: Add image into project with prefix name for each hard level (easy_id.png, medium_id.png, hard_id.png)

      2. How to reskin and replace icons

Open Resources folder and replace with the images you want

Choose LightOn, you will

  • Available customer support 
  • Available for reskin, setup and customization request
  • Answer your comment within 1 day

Release Notes

August 11, 2016

  • First upload

In order to ask a question you need to log in or register as a user for free.

In order to ask a question you need to log in or register as a user for free.

14 days Money back guarantee policy
Category Puzzle
Platforms iOS 8.0.x, iOS 8.1.x, iOS 9.0.x, iOS 9.1.x, iOS 9.2.x, iOS 9.3, iOS 10, iOS 11, iOS 12, iOS 13
Frameworks Native iOS