Space Shooter V2 Major Update!!!!

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Top Down 2D Shooter with upgrades, skills and strongest enemies. Shoot. Move. Dodge and more. Enjoy the game!


Major Update! 27.02.2024

Adds new weapons. Enemies. Mini bosses. Skills. Upgrades. Add shop with full customasible player skins and projectiles. Full redisign. Refactored code architectory.


Optimized for android. Prepared for IAP and UnityAds. Easy to add new weapons, skills and upgrades. Easy to reskin. Clean code

Created on Unity 2021.3.4


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In order to ask a question you need to log in or register as a user for free.

14 days Money back guarantee policy
Development Hours
Category Casual
Platforms Android 8.0, Android 9.0, Android 10.0, Android 11.0, Android 12.0
Frameworks Unity