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How to
Create an App



Great services can make you increase your app’s usability and make implementing great features more cost-effective and easy. There are a number of fantastic service providers out there, so have a browse.

Other Great Services:


Reading the right blogs can keep you updated about all things app related, so that you know what the latest industry trends and happenings are.

Other Great Blogs:


Tools help you build the best app possible, while also helping to reduce your time-to-market. And there are many fantastic tools that can help you develop your app in a more cost-effective as well as efficient way.

Other tools:


Forums contain a wealth of first-hand experience and knowledge that bring together the app community. Find yourself stuck or in need of a little motivation, head to a forum for a helping hand.

Other Forums:


Good design is critical to standing out in a competitive market. Luckily, there are plenty of design tools that can help you create a striking and visually appealing app.

Other Design Tools:


Books offer some of the detailed and comprehensive advice for app developers. Getting stuck into a good book can give you access to some of the best advice available.

Other Books:


Marketing is crucial to the success of your app. And there’s an awful lot you can do to make sure people hear about your app.

Other Marketing Resources:

Unmissable Content

These represent the most important reads and tutorials we know of. Use these to help you overcome all sorts of frequently occurring problems.

Other Unmissable Content:

iOS Specific Resources

Developing for iOS? Here are some specific resources for iOS development.

Other iOS Resources:

Android Specific Resources

Developing for Android. Here are some of the most helpful resources we’ve found.

Other Android Resources:

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